The Role of Career Plans in the Relationship Between Sport Science Students' Sportive Self-Regulation Levels and Effective Decision Making in Sport




Effective Decision Making, Sportive Self-Regulation, Career Planning


Sport science students need to develop a range of personal and professional skills such as self-regulation, effective decision-making and career planning in order to improve both their academic and athletic performance. In particular, self-regulation involves the process of planning, implementing and evaluating one's behavior in order to achieve one's goals. The aim of the study is to examine the role of career awareness in the relationship between sport self-regulation levels of Sport Sciences students and effective decision making in sport. The model of the study is the relational survey model among the survey models. The research group consists of a total of 225 students, 104 female and 121 male, studying in Sports Sciences. Descriptive analysis, regression analysis and correlation analyses were used in the analysis process. For multiple regression, the mediation relationship was analysed using the SPSS PROCESS Macro v4.2 plug-in developed by Hayes. There is a weak and positive relationship between the level of career planning and the level of sportive self-regulation (r=-.271;p<0.5); a weak and positive relationship between the level of career planning and the level of effective decision-making in sport (r=.221;p<0.5); a weak and positive relationship between the level of sportive self-regulation and the level of effective decision-making in sport (r=-.173;p<0.5). As a result, it was concluded that Sport Sciences students make more effective career decisions if their sportive self-organization is high.


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How to Cite

ATICI, A. R., ERBAŞ, M. K., & YAZICIOĞLU ÇALIŞAN, H. (2024). The Role of Career Plans in the Relationship Between Sport Science Students’ Sportive Self-Regulation Levels and Effective Decision Making in Sport. Journal of Sports Industry & Blockchain Technology, 1(2), 102–108.