Financial Management Education for Boarding Students Through the Application of Digital-Based Investment




Finance, investment, education, training


Managing finances is often a problem for boarding students, mainly due to consumptive lifestyles and lack of financial management. Differences in living environment also often affect the pattern of one's life. Lifestyle differences play a big role in the management of each individual's needs. Good/effective financial planning allows a person to be able to understand how each financial decision will have an overall impact on their financial situation. This study provides instruction on financial planning and investment to Putra Tunggal boarding students. The purpose of this activity is to improve them on financial management and encourage them to make investments, with a special emphasis on stock-based digital investments. The education consisted of two sessions: explanation of basic investment theories and practice of using digital platforms. The results of the activity show that the education on finance can increase students' understanding to better manage their finances, by not only allocating to fulfill their basic needs, but also setting aside their money to invest through digital platforms. With this activity, it encourages them to start investing with small capital.


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How to Cite

RINJANI, T., ADINUGRAHA, H. H., & SAFI’I, M. A. S. (2024). Financial Management Education for Boarding Students Through the Application of Digital-Based Investment. Journal of Sports Industry & Blockchain Technology, 1(2), 86–90.