Readiness for Digitalization of Higher Education: A Comparative Study of Universities in Indonesia




Readiness, Digitalization, University, Indonesia


This study aims to analyze the readiness of digitalization in higher education through a comparative analysis between three universities in Indonesia. The main focus of the study is to evaluate aspects of technological infrastructure, human resource competency, and institutional policy support in supporting digital transformation. The study uses a mixed-method method that combines quantitative and qualitative analysis. Quantitative data were collected through questionnaires distributed to lecturers, students, and education staff, while qualitative data were obtained from in-depth interviews and document analysis. The study subjects involved Universities A, B, and C, which were selected based on geographical variations and institutional characteristics. The results showed significant variations in digitalization readiness between universities. University A excels in technological infrastructure and cloud-based learning system integration. University B has mobile technology innovation but faces budget constraints, while University C shows a high commitment to HR development despite limited infrastructure. Factors influencing readiness include HR competency, organizational culture, budget, and policy support. In conclusion, the preparedness for digitalization in higher education in Indonesia still depends on the synergy of technology, policy, and HR. Universities with a combination of supporting factors tend to be more prepared to face digital transformation, while institutions with limited resources require significant external support. This research provides recommendations for inclusive and sustainable digitalization strategies. 


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How to Cite

KANTHI WIDODO, H., ANDREAN, R., PURWANİNGSİH, S. N., & PERDANA, F. (2024). Readiness for Digitalization of Higher Education: A Comparative Study of Universities in Indonesia. Journal of Sports Industry & Blockchain Technology, 1(2), 78–85.