Fencers' Social Media Awareness Levels Related to Appearance





Appearance Anxiety , Body Image , Fencing, Likes , Social Media


Appearance perception is a marketing value linked to the concept of taste. Creating an appreciation for followers is one of the most important goals of almost every sector to market products and services. Athletes around the world also use social media effectively to create a perception of their appearance through their followers. Based on this fact, the aim of the research was to determine the social media awareness levels of elite fencers related to appearance and to reach theoretical conclusions that can represent the general population by analyzing them in terms of demographic variables. The sample of the research consisted of 354 elite fencers who are actively practicing fencing and were selected by the convenience method. "The Appearance-Related Social Media Consciousness Scale" developed by Sophia Choukas-Bradley etal and the "Demographic Information Form" were used as data collection tools. Computerized statistical methods were used to analyze the data. In addition to descriptive statistics, normality tests were applied before the analysis, a t-test for independent groups for pairwise comparisons, and One-Way ANOVA / Kruskal-Wallis tests for multiple comparisons. As a result of the analysis, differences were found in terms of sex, age, and national sportsmanship variables among elite fencers' social media awareness levels related to appearance, while no difference was found in terms of educational status variables.


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How to Cite

KATKAT, D., & SAAT, Ümit. (2024). Fencers’ Social Media Awareness Levels Related to Appearance. Journal of Sports Industry & Blockchain Technology, 1(1), 48–56. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12599694