Spectaors' Recall Level of Advertising and Sponsorships in the Broadcasts of Sports Competitions
Sports Sector, Spectator Recall, Awareness, Recognition, Advertising, SponsorshipAbstract
In the sports industry, advertisements and sponsorships made in order to create awareness and increase awareness on the masses / audiences provide serious contributions to the companies and the sponsored organization. In the study conducted to determine the duration and level of recall of these contributions, the levels of recall of advertising and sponsorship practices in the broadcasts of sports competitions by the audience were determined. The population of the study consists of all spectators who follow football, basketball, tennis, athletics and other sports competitions broadcast on television. The sample of the study consisted of 466 spectators who actively or passively follow sports competitions and can be reached easily. Personal information form and a questionnaire developed by the researcher were used as data collection tools. Computerized statistical methods were used to analyze the data. In addition to descriptive statistics, normality tests were applied before the analysis. In addition to arithmetic mean (x̅), frequency (f) values, Chi-square test and z test for row-column comparison were used to analyze the data. As a result of the analysis, while there were differences between the variables of the recall of shoe and jersey brands, recall of pitch-side advertisements, recall of the last watched competition time and recall of stadium names in terms of the level of recall of advertising and sponsorship practices in the broadcasts of sports competitions, no difference was found in terms of other variables.
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