The Examination of The Relationship Between Enviromental Behavior and Alienation in Nursing Students




Environmental Behaciour , Nurse Department , Alienisation


This research was conducted to examine the relationship between environmental behavior attitudes and student alienation levels in nursing students. The research is descriptive type and was conducted with 403 nurse candidates studying at Ondokuz Mayıs University Faculty of Health Sciences in the 2018-2019 academic year.  Scale reliability of "Environmental Attitude Scale" and "Student Alienation Scale" was calculated as 0.82 and 0.80, respectively. The scores of nurse candidates from the attitude scale towards environmental problems were 61.91±10.96 for the first year; 61.75±10.62 for second grade; 65.45±8.86 for third grade; for the fourth grade it is 64.13±11.11The scores students received from the attitude scale towards alienation were 69.52±11.28 for the first grade; 66.35±12.04 for second grade; 66.97±11.31 for third grade; for the fourth grade it is 64.29±11.50. A positive correlation was found between the sub-dimensions of the Student Alienation Scale. A positive correlation was found between the Student Alienation Scale sub-dimensions "Abstracted" and the Environmental Attitude Scale sub-dimensions "Resource Conservation Activities for the Economic Benefit of the Person", and a negative correlation was found with "Environmental Activist".  In conclusion; it should be ensured that nurse candidates, who play important roles in protecting and improving public health, graduate with awareness and competence in terms of global and environmental problems, the effects of the environment on health and ways to protect them.




How to Cite

KESKİN, S., & BOLAT, A. (2024). The Examination of The Relationship Between Enviromental Behavior and Alienation in Nursing Students. International Journal of Digital Health & Patient Care, 1(2), 84–93.