Fear Of Covıd-19 and Care Behavıors of Surgıcal Nurses: Literature Review
Surgery, Covid-19, Nurse, Nursing care, FearAbstract
The relationship between surgical nurses' fear of Covid 19 and their care behaviors was examined based on studies in the literature. When we look at human history from past to present, we see that humanity has struggled with many epidemics and experienced the pandemic processes brought about by these epidemics. An example of these is the recent Covid-19. During this epidemic and pandemic process, the heaviest burden fell on nurses. Because nurses are health professionals who aim to ensure the welfare of the society by informing the society in protecting, developing and maintaining the health of the society, and by performing their caring role in every field. The Covid-19 disease, which is caused by coronaviruses and that we have heard about recently, first appeared in Wuhan, China, in the last months of 2019 and spread in a short time. The first case in Turkey was in March 2020, and the clinical course of the disease has become serious day by day. This rapid spread of the disease has brought with it a threat to property and life safety. Especially surgical units and surgical nurses have encountered significant difficulties in the care and treatment of Covid-19 disease. Nurses face more risks and stress than other segments of society because they share the same environment with people diagnosed with Covid-19 or are at high risk and provide health services to those people. This situation has caused the mental health of nurses, especially surgical nurses, to be more affected as well as physical health. In addition to exposure to the pathogen and fear of death, various factors have also negatively affected nursing care.