A Social Problem: Age Discrimination Against Older Adults
Older adults, Old Age, ageism, gerontofobia, discriminationAbstract
In recent years, elderly discrimination has been the subject of scientific research due to the increasing elderly population. Considering the current demographic structure of Turkey, it is possible to say that discrimination against older age groups may become an even more important problem in the coming years. Age discrimination is most often directed at the elderly and ıt can be defined as different attitudes, prejudices, actions, actions and institutional arrangements shown to a person due to his age. Age discrimination is quite different from other forms of prejudice. It refers to prejudice and discrimination against the group that the individual will join over time. The classification of individuals by age is not static and changes throughout the life cycle. In our society, the elderly are thought to be individuals who need care, have walking difficulties, are not open to change, are sad, isolated and have no environment. Elderly individuals' acceptance of the negative characteristics imposed on them by society, their fear of losing their productivity and being dependent on others to meet their needs and fulfill their basic functions negatively affect their living standards. In order for the elderly to lead a life worthy of human dignity, it is of great importance to socially demolish the supposedly harmless prejudices and negative attitudes that pave the way for social exclusion. In this review, the society's perspective on the elderly and general information about age-based discrimination are given.References
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