Investigation of the Acceptability of Cookie Made with Coconut Flour
coconut, taste test, weight controlAbstract
Objective: The aim of this study is to examine the use of coconut flour as an alternative to wheat flour in cookie making, and finally to evaluate the sensory properties and consumer acceptance of cookies. Material and Method: 74 panelists between the ages of 18-27 participated in the study. In the study, two different cookie samples were developed using coconut flour and wheat flour as raw materials. Taste test questionnaire was used in data collection of the research and a 9-point hedonic scale was used to evaluate the general acceptance of the samples. Results: While the cookies produced with coconut flour were liked by 74.3% (n=55) of the individuals, 60.8% (n=45) of the participants reported that they did not like the cookies produced with wheat flour. While 78.4% (n=58) of the individuals defined wheat flour cookies as lumpy, 87.8% (n=65) reported that they did not feel roughness in coconut flour cookies. While all of the participants reported that they felt a difference between the cookies, 91.9% (n=68) of the individuals reported that this difference was high or higher. Conclusion: In our study, it was determined that cookies made with coconut flour were more popular than cookies made with wheat flour, and it is thought that cookies made with coconut flour can be an alternative snack option.
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