Resilience Capacity and Life Skills of Paralympic Athletes
Athlete , Life Skills , Paralympic , Paralympic Games ResilienceAbstract
Paralympic athletes in terms of various variables. The population of the study includes athletes affiliated with the Turkish National Paralympic Committee (TMPK). The sample of the study consists of 50 athletes, 18 females and 32 males, who participated in the Paralympic Games in 2022-2023. The data were collected with the “Relational and Operational Resilience Capacity Scale at the Individual Level” (Gerçek & Börekçi, 2017) and "the Life Skills Scale for Sport" (Açak & Düz, 2018), as well as the demographic information form. Normality tests were conducted as well as descriptive statistics in the analysis of the data. Independent samples T-tests were used for pairwise comparisons, and one-way Way Anova tests were used for multiple comparisons since the data were normally distributed. The Pearson Correlation test was used in correlation analysis. Findings of the study revealed that there were no significant differences between the relational resilience capacities and life skills of Paralympic athletes in terms of sex, disability type, branch type, age, education level, and duration of athletics, whereas there was a significant positive relationship between the relational resilience capacities and life skills of athletes.
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