The Investigation of the Opinions of the Students of the Faculty of Sports Sciences on the Use of Wearable Technological Products
Sports, Wearable Technology, ProductsAbstract
The aim of this study was to examine the opinions of sport sciences faculty students on the use of wearable technological products. The aim of this study is to examine the opinions of sport sciences faculty students on the use of wearable technological products. In this direction, a total of 100 students studying at the faculty of sport sciences voluntarily participated in the study. In addition to the personal information form created by the researchers, the attitude scale towards wearable technological sports products (ASTWTSP) was used as a data collection tool. Kruskal Wallis H and Mann Whitney U tests were used for nonparametric data. In the statistical analysis of the data obtained after the study and in determining the differences between the groups, P<0.05 value will be considered significant. According to the findings; the total scores of the attitude scale towards wearable technological sports products of the participants did not show a significant difference according to their gender (U=1192.00; p=0.781; p>0.05), did not show a significant difference according to age variable (X2=0,237; p=0,888; p>0.05) and did not show a statistically significant difference according to income variable (X2=4,516; p=0,105; p>0.05). As a result, based on the results obtained from our study and the literature, and considering the various advantages of wearable technological products, it can be stated that wearable technologies are a complement to the complex structure of exercise or sports on individuals.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Hüsniye Eylül ESKİCİ, Eda Nur KESİCİ, Sedanur POLAT, Pervin TOPTAŞ DEMİRCİ

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