NDPA Publishing is a pioneering institution in the academic world, specializing in publishing scholarly peer-reviewed journals across various disciplines. By issuing publications such as the "International Journal of Sports Engineering and Biotechnology" and the "International Journal of Active & Healthy Aging" it contributes significantly to the dissemination of scientific research. NDPA Publishing serves as a platform for the academic community and researchers, offering quality content and a consistently innovative perspective to advance and facilitate the sharing of science.
International Journal of Sports Engineering and Biotechnology
International Journal of Sports Engineering and Biotechnology (IJSEB) is an international scientific peer-reviewed journal, published in electronic format.In particular, it aims to share the latest research trends and explore future development directions.
- The articles in this journal are published OPEN ACCESS (OA) exclusively in English
- IJSEB will be published in 2 issues (June and December) from 2024.
- Ethical Committee Approval in Research: "ETHICAL COMMITTEE APPROVAL” must have been obtained for all disciplines, this approval must be specified and documented in the article.
- "iThenticate" document is mandatory for article submission (Maximum15%).
You can receive an ORCID iD number from https://orcid.org/register.
- e-ISSN: 3023-6010
Editor-in-Chief : Prof. Dr. Nevzat DEMİRCİ
International Journal of Active & Healthy Aging
The International Journal of Active and Healthy Aging (IJAHA) is a peer-reviewed, multidisciplinary journal that publishes on the relationship between active and healthy aging and movement. The journal encourages the submission of articles that may contribute to the understanding of the impact of physical activity and health education on the physiological, biomechanical, psychological and social aspects of older adults and the impact of advancing age or the aging process in the elderly on active and healthy aging.
• The articles in this journal are published OPEN ACCESS (OA) exclusively in English
• IJAHA will be published in 2 issues (June and December) from 2024.
• Ethical Committee Approval in Research: "ETHICAL COMMITTEE APPROVAL” must have been obtained for all disciplines, this approval must be specified and documented in the article.
• "iThenticate" document is mandatory for article submission (Maximum15%).
You can receive an ORCID iD number from https://orcid.org/registere-ISSN: 3023-6045
Editor-in-Chief : Prof. Dr. Nevzat DEMİRCİ
International Journal of Digital Waste Engineering
The International Journal of Digital Waste Engineering (IJDWE) is an international scholarly refereed research journal which aims to promote the theory and practice of digital waste engineering, innovation, hazardous waste and information systems.
• The articles in this journal are published OPEN ACCESS (OA) exclusively in English
• IJDWE will be published in 1 issues ( December) from 2024.
• Ethical Committee Approval in Research: "ETHICAL COMMITTEE APPROVAL” must have been obtained for all disciplines, this approval must be specified and documented in the article.
• "iThenticate" document is mandatory for article submission (Maximum15%).
You can receive an ORCID iD number from https://orcid.org/registere-ISSN: 3062-2670
Editor-in-Chief : Prof. Dr. Nevzat DEMİRCİ
Journal of Sports Industry & Blockchain Technology
The Journal of Sports Industry & Blockchain Technology is the peer reviewed publication of choice for authors seeking to disseminate original research findings related to the development Blockchain Technology or application in sports ındustry. Journal of Sports Industry & Blockchain Technology (JSIBT) is an international scientific peer-reviewed journal, published two in electronic format.
- The articles in this journal are published OPEN ACCESS (OA) exclusively in English
- Detailed information on preparation of the manuscript is described in the Instruction for Authors
- JSIBT will be published in two issues (June and December) from 2024
- Ethical Committee Approval in Research: "ETHICAL COMMITTEE APPROVAL” must have been obtained for all disciplines, this approval must be specified and documented in the article.
- "iThenticate" document is mandatory for article submission (Maximum15%).
- You can receive an ORCID iD number from https://orcid.org/register
e-ISSN: 3023-8528
Editor-in-Chief : Prof. Dr. Nevzat DEMİRCİ
International Journal of Digital Health & Patient Care
The International Journal of Digital Health and Patient Care (IJDHPC) focuses on healthcare in the digital world, bridging the evolution of advances in informatics and technology in medicine, health, and all aspects of health and the application of these advances in clinical practice, patient care and patient experience.
- The articles in this journal are published OPEN ACCESS (OA) exclusively in English
- IJDHPC will be published in 2 issues (June and December) from 2024.
- Ethical Committee Approval in Research: "ETHICAL COMMITTEE APPROVAL” must have been obtained for all disciplines, this approval must be specified and documented in the article.
- "iThenticate" document is mandatory for article submission (Maximum15%).
You can receive an ORCID iD number fromhttps://orcid.org/register
e-ISSN: 3023-851X
Editor-in-Chief : Prof. Dr. Nevzat DEMİRCİ
International Journal of Digital Rehabilitation & Therapy
International Journal of Digital Rehabilitation & Therapy is to be a peer-reviewed journal that promotes the creation, use and understanding of digital technology in therapy and rehabilitation. International Journal of Digital Rehabilitation and Therapy is an international scientific peer-reviewed journal, published in electronic format.
• The articles in this journal are published OPEN ACCESS (OA) exclusively in English
• IJDRT will be published in 2 issues (June and December) from 2025.
• Ethical Committee Approval in Research: "ETHICAL COMMITTEE APPROVAL” must have been obtained for all disciplines, this approval must be specified and documented in the article.
• "iThenticate" document is mandatory for article submission (Maximum15%).
You can receive an ORCID iD number from https://orcid.org/registerEditor-in-Chief
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sandeep Shinde -
International Journal of Digital Data Detective
The International Journal of Digital Data Detective (IJDDD) aims to deliver academic studies on the most up-to-date scientific and technological developments in basic digital data fields to researchers and relevant target audiences in accordance with nationally and internationally accepted academic norms.
• The articles in this journal are published OPEN ACCESS (OA) exclusively in English
• IJDDD will be published in 1 issues ( December) from 2024.
• Ethical Committee Approval in Research: "ETHICAL COMMITTEE APPROVAL” must have been obtained for all disciplines, this approval must be specified and documented in the article.
• "iThenticate" document is mandatory for article submission (Maximum15%).
You can receive an ORCID iD number from https://orcid.org/registere-ISSN: xxxx-xxxx
International Journal of Sustainable Development & Society
The International Journal of Sustainable Development & Society (IJSDS) is a interdisciplinary journal for publishing cutting-edge research with novel concepts and broad significance on society and sustainability.
The articles in this journal are published OPEN ACCESS (OA) exclusively in English
IJSDS will be published in 2 issues (June and December) from 2025.
Ethical Committee Approval in Research: "ETHICAL COMMITTEE APPROVAL” must have been obtained for all disciplines, this approval must be specified and documented in the article.
"iThenticate" document is mandatory for article submission (Maximum15%).
You can receive an ORCID iD number fromhttps://orcid.org/registere-ISSN: ..............
Editor-in-Chief : Assoc.Prof. Dr. Qinyi Tan