An Investigation of Weight Loss Methods of Individual Combat Athletes
Individual combat sports, Weight loss methods, Muay thai, Kick boxing, TaekwondoAbstract
The aim of this study is to examine the weight loss methods of individual combat athletes in different branches. A total of 242 individual combat athletes aged 18-35 with weight loss experience participated in the research. "Athlete Weight Loss Methods and Effects Scale" was used as a data collection tool. SPSS program was used to analyze the data. Since the data were not normally distributed, the Kruskal Wallis H Test was used to analyze the difference between the groups. 88.1% of the athletes participating in the research stated that they reduced their food intake, 83.1% stated that they jogged in raincoats, and 50% tried to lose weight by using the sauna. 66.5% of the athletes participating in the research reported that they were successful in many competitions when they lost weight. There is a significant difference in the age at which athletes first lose weight according to their branches. No significant difference was found in the sub-dimensions of the scale according to the athletes' branches. It can be said that the individual combat athletes participating in the research used similar weight loss methods. In conclusion; Athletes should not apply rapid weight loss strategies to avoid performance losses. If an athlete needs to adjust their body weight, they should implement strategies (nutritional and fluid intake) that will help minimize potential negative effects.
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